2 min readNov 30, 2021


Heartbreak and a writer
Is heart break the greatest contributing factor to be a writer ?

Most of us would say yes.

Not exaggerating it but after having gone through a heart break

the writer in us flourishes for sure.

I mean our words don’t pour down from our pen but straight through our heart. We don’t need to make efforts upon efforts to think and write. Sadness gets kind of automated and we generate poetry within.

Isn’t it absurd how pain gives you a creative edge? And words give us a mental stability.
I don’t mean to say every broken soul gives birth to a writer or a mishappening is a must to start writing? But noone denies if I say 90% of us are sad souls and that sad soul is the reason behind what we write.

Heart breaks can come in any forms. Losing your parents, breaking up with your partner, suffering an incurable disease, etc etc. And that heart break if not always but most of the times enable you to get over your restrictions.

I never mean heart breaks are good but what happens happens for a reason. Don’t let it destroy you. Channelise it. Be a writer, be a warrior, be whatever you want. But don’t just be a hopeless loser. Because after having your heart broken, you can’t afford to lose again.

Via Naqvee ~

